Chewy Chocolate Oat Treats

Mighty Morphing Snacks

Okay so I am really getting into my Power Rangers.  Watching the show has really cheered me up during my recovery and when I watch it I don’t think about the snowy weather at all.  Anyone who has watched the original Power Rangers would know that when they defeat great forces of evil their only option of fighting back is by morphing their dinasaur powers together.  Naturally I applied this concept to my food.  Lately I have been making lots of small treats and I thought it would be quite interesting to combine two very popular snacks together. The flapjack and the brownie.  I think this is a really nice alternative for people who don’t want the full on chocolate flavour of the brownie and want a slightly healthier option too.

This recipe was adapting from Good Housekeeping Magazine (April, 2012).



75g butter (and extra to grease), 175g light brown sugar, 125g runny honey, 3 medium eggs, 125g oats, 175g plain flour, 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 125g white chocolate cubes, a little combination of chocolate to drizzle over the top (melted).



1. Lightly grease a baking tin and line with baking parchment.
2. In a large bowl mix the butter and sugar until creamy.
3. Add the honey and mix until well combined.
4. Stir in the eggs beating well after each addition.
5. Add the oats and mix.
6. Sift in the flour and bicarbonate of soda.
7. When everything has been stired together.
8. Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees C.
9. Pour the mixture into the tin.
10. Bake for 35 minutes, the food is done when the skewer comes out clean after being inserted into the centre.
11. Leave to cool before drizziling chocolate over the top.
12. Leave to set and then cut out and serve.


Healthier Alternative:

Swap the white chocolate chunks with 2 tbsps of cocoa powder and 2 tsps of flaxseed.

Author: Safiya Kamaria

A free spirited creative person sharing my food adventures.

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