Raspberry Tobletart

Creative with chocolate

My neighbours went to Belgium and purchased a giant bar of Toblerone chocolate for me.  As thankful as I was for it there was no way I could finish that much chocolate.  I decided to melt it down and turn it into a tart, with a little help from James Martin’s dessert app for Android.  I do not like high quantities of dark chocolate so I had to get the balance just right to even out the bitter flavours from the chocolate.


Sweet Shortcrust Pastry, Toblerone, Castor Sugar, Single Cream, Eggs, Raspberries.


1. Grease an oven tray suitable for tarts.
2. Roll out pastry dough and line tins.  Do not trim dough.
3. Prick the bases and bake for 15- 20mins
4. Allow to cool in the tins.
5. Melt chocolate in bowl (heatproof) over simmering water.
6. Allow to cool slightly then pour into a mixing bowl.
7. Whisk in the eggs and sugar into it then gently fold in cream with metal spoon.
8. Pour into cases then bake for 15mins
9. Let them cool for a little while.

Saffy’s Top Tip:

Serve the tart with fresh fruit,  especially if you use dark chocolate you don’t want it to be too heavy.

Author: Safiya Kamaria

A free spirited creative person sharing my food adventures.

2 thoughts on “Raspberry Tobletart”

  1. Wow!!
    ….as far back as Dec 2011 U was getting yummy, honi!
    Will try this one out as Toblerone is quite often a delicious challenge.

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