Well Seasoned Salmon

Beautiful Fish

Salmon is a very beautiful fish and unlike tuna I think that it tastes completely different to the canned version.   In my opinion the canned version is disgusting and cooking a fillet of salmon badly is a crime.  Practice cooking your salmon by seasoning wach fillet lightly and when a dash of lemon.  Season delicately with thyme, chive, salt and pepper, unless you have your own special seasoning in mind.  If I just feel like salmon this combo never fails.  Bake for 15 minutes in an oven at 90 degrees C.  When cooked through completely don’t over do it with the sauce and completely destroy the food.  Salmon is one fish you can definitely take it easy with.  And when you’re ready then experiment.

Season Salmon

Author: Safiya Kamaria

A free spirited creative person sharing my food adventures.

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